Charitable Bequest

Protect the people you love. Create a lasting partnership with the Jewish community. Help ensure its future. Your will makes it possible.


×           Provides permanent resources for organizations important to you

×           Established through your will

×           May be made in any amount—no matter how small or large

×           Provides a tax deduction for your estate

By deciding to leave a bequest of a specific amount of cash, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder of your estate to the Jewish Community Foundation, you can create a permanent legacy. There’s no limit on the amount you may set aside from your estate—you may make a gift as large or as small as you’d like. You may choose to make a gift of cash, securities, or other property—and your estate will receive a tax deduction in the amount of your charitable bequest. If you have already drafted your will, your attorney can help you arrange a charitable bequest with a simple amendment, or codicil.

Here are some examples of how you might create a charitable bequest in your will:

×           Provide income for the Jewish community each year in perpetuity by making a general unrestricted bequest.

I bequeath $________ (or ______% of my residuary estate) to the Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts, to be used for the general purposes of the Federation.


×           Support a specific agency or cause of interest to you every year, in perpetuity, with a designated bequest to establish an endowment fund.

I bequeath $________ (or ______% of my residuary estate) to the Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts, to establish an endowment fund to support (name of the agency, service, or program).

A gift to the Jewish community today will allow you to be there for your family, your community and the Jewish people—whenever help is needed in the future.